#我们前面了解了继承,继承可以帮助我们重复使用代码。但对于继承中的示例,无论是Dog还是Cat,调用父类的run()方法时显示的都是Animal is running.,如果想让结果显示为Dog is running.和Cat is running.,该如果处理呢?
1 #! /usr/bin/python3 2 #-*-coding:UTF-8-*- 3 #clas_多态 4 5 class Animal(object): 6 def run(self): 7 print('Animal is running.') 8 9 class Dog(Animal):10 def run(self):11 print('Dog is running.')12 13 class Cat(Animal):14 def run(self):15 print('Cat is running.')
1 dog=Dog()2 print('实例化Dog类')3 dog.run()4 5 cat=Cat()6 print('实例化Cat类')7 cat.run()
1 D:\Python\workspace\datatime\20171129>python class_多态.py2 实例化Dog类3 Dog is running.4 实例化Cat类5 Cat is running.
1 #! /usr/bin/python3 2 #-*-coding:UTF-8-*- 3 #clas_多态 4 5 class Animal(object): 6 def run(self): 7 print('Animal is running.') 8 9 class Dog(Animal):10 pass11 12 a=list() #a是list类型13 b=Animal() #b是Animal类型14 c=Dog() #c是Dog类型
1 print('a是否是list类型:',isinstance(a,list))2 print('b是否是Animal类型:',isinstance(b,Animal))3 print('c是否是Dog类型:',isinstance(c,Dog))
1 D:\Python\workspace\datatime\20171129>python class_多态.py2 a是否是list类型: True3 b是否是Animal类型: True4 c是否是Dog类型: True
1 print('c是否是Dog类型:',isinstance(c,Dog))2 print('c是否是Animal类型:',isinstance(c,Animal))
1 c是否是Dog类型: True2 c是否是Animal类型: True
1 print('b是否是Dog类型:',isinstance(b,Dog))
1 b是否是Dog类型: False
1 #! /usr/bin/python3 2 #-*-coding:UTF-8-*- 3 #class_多态_2 4 5 class Animal(object): 6 def run(self): 7 print('Animal is running.') 8 9 def run_two_times(animal):10 animal.run()11 animal.run()12 13 run_two_times(Animal())
1 D:\Python\workspace\datatime\20171129>python class_多态_2.py2 Animal is running.3 Animal is running.
1 #! /usr/bin/python3 2 #-*-coding:UTF-8-*- 3 #class_多态_2 4 5 class Animal(object): 6 def run(self): 7 print('Animal is running.') 8 9 class Dog(Animal):10 def run(slef):11 print('Dog is running.')12 13 def run_two_times(animal):14 animal.run()15 animal.run()16 17 run_two_times(Dog())
1 D:\Python\workspace\datatime\20171129>python class_多态_2.py2 Dog is running.3 Dog is running.
1 #! /usr/bin/python3 2 #-*-coding:UTF-8-*- 3 #class_多态_2 4 5 class Animal(object): 6 def run(self): 7 print('Animal is running.') 8 9 class Dog(Animal):10 def run(slef):11 print('Dog is running.')12 13 class Cat(Animal):14 def run(self):15 print('Cat is running.')16 17 def run_two_times(animal):18 animal.run()19 animal.run()20 21 run_two_times(Animal())22 run_two_times(Dog())23 run_two_times(Cat())
1 D:\Python\workspace\datatime\20171129>python class_多态_2.py2 Animal is running.3 Animal is running.4 Dog is running.5 Dog is running.6 Cat is running.7 Cat is running.
1 #! /usr/bin/python3 2 #-*-coding:UTF-8-*- 3 #class_多态_2 4 5 class Animal(object): 6 def run(self): 7 print('Animal is running.') 8 9 class Dog(Animal):10 def run(slef):11 print('Dog is running.')12 13 class Cat(Animal):14 def run(self):15 print('Cat is running.')16 17 class Bird(Animal):18 def run(self):19 print('Bird if flying the sky.')20 21 def run_two_times(animal):22 animal.run()23 animal.run()24 25 run_two_times(Animal())26 run_two_times(Dog())27 run_two_times(Cat())28 run_two_times(Bird())
1 D:\Python\workspace\datatime\20171129>python class_多态_2.py2 Animal is running.3 Animal is running.4 Dog is running.5 Dog is running.6 Cat is running.7 Cat is running.8 Bird if flying the sky.9 Bird if flying the sky.